Conditions of Use

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ACENET Acceptable Use Policy

All users of ACENET facilities must abide by the following conditions:

  • A user is responsible for his or her account and all activities that are performed using his or her account.
  • Accounts and allocations are to be used exclusively for the purposes and project(s) for which they have been approved.
  • Accounts are not to be shared and passwords must be kept private and secure.
  • It is a user's responsibility to ensure that a valid license is held either by the user or ACENET prior to installing or using commercial software.
  • ACENET resources are provided for research and may not be used for instructional or administrative purposes.
  • Users will be fair, efficient and considerate in their use of ACENET resources and not interfere with or impair the work of other users.
  • Users must respect the privacy of other users of the resources. ACENET will routinely collect system and usage statistics for reporting purposes, but will abide by our privacy policy at all times.
  • While ACENET does have a user data protection strategy, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that they abide by the data protection and retention policies of their Universities and funders, independent of ACENET.

Failure to follow these directives may result in loss of access to the ACENET facilities. Project Leaders must ensure that members of their research group are aware of and comply with these Conditions of Use.

Reporting Requirements

ACENET Project Leaders will participate, on an annual basis, in ACENET's Account Renewal process, providing information relating to the research undertaken and resulting academic works or citations. ACENET is required to report this information to various funding sources such as the site Offices of Research, ISED and other agencies. Project Accounts will be renewed upon receipt of this information.

Acknowledgement Requirement

Researchers are requested to acknowledge ACENET and its major funders in publications and reports on research undertaken using ACENET resources, either in whole or part. The following can be used as a guide:

Computational facilities are provided by ACENET, the regional digital research infrastructure consortium for post-secondary institutions in Atlantic Canada. ACENET is funded by Industry, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) through the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance), the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), and the provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.